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Case Study
Sep 1, 2023

Zen Planner mobile app case study

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Zen Planner mobile app is designed specifically for fitness studios and gyms, offering a range of tools to streamline operations and enhance member experiences. Increase your mobile app's potential by integrating Vendo for in-app shopping, replicating their success. With Vendo integration, your mobile app can host an in-app marketplace for users to purchase products from domestic brands, leading to 2-3 times higher sales commission on all domestic brand sales made through your app within your target market compared to other affiliates.


Vendo is the all-in-one marketplace solution you need, automating operations, offering a wide range of brands to pick from or invite your own, merchandising tools, multichannel sales options, and ongoing support for scaling your business.

Zen Planner mobile app success factors

1. All-in-One Business Management

Providing a comprehensive suite of business management tools tailored for fitness studios and gyms, including scheduling, member management, and payment processing.

2. Customizable Member Experience

Offering customizable member portals and mobile apps, allowing fitness businesses to personalize the experience for their clients.

3. Automated Billing and Payments

Streamlining billing processes and automating payment collections, reducing administrative workload for fitness businesses.

4. Reporting and Analytics

Equipping businesses with robust reporting and analytics tools to track performance, member engagement, and financial metrics.

5. Staff and Instructor Management

Facilitating efficient staff scheduling, payroll management, and instructor coordination to optimize operational workflows.

6. Member Retention Strategies

Providing features and insights to help businesses implement effective member retention strategies and enhance customer loyalty.

7. Integration Capabilities

Offering integration with third-party fitness and business tools, allowing seamless connectivity and data exchange.

8. Customer Support and Training

Providing comprehensive customer support and training resources to ensure businesses can maximize the benefits of the platform.

9. Mobile Accessibility

Ensuring mobile accessibility for both business owners and members, catering to the on-the-go nature of the fitness industry.

10. Continuous Updates and Innovation

Committing to regular updates and innovative feature enhancements to stay aligned with industry trends and evolving business needs.

Suggestions for Zen Planner's growth

1. Expansion into New Markets

Targeting international markets to expand the user base and capitalize on global opportunities in the fitness industry.

2. Enhanced Member Engagement Features

Introducing interactive member engagement features such as challenges, rewards programs, and social integrations to boost member retention.

3. Advanced Analytics and Insights

Developing advanced analytics tools to offer deeper insights into member behavior, class popularity, and revenue trends for businesses.

4. Virtual Fitness Capabilities

Integrating virtual fitness capabilities, live streaming, and on-demand workout content to cater to the growing demand for remote fitness options.

5. Integration with Wearable Devices

Incorporating integration with popular wearable fitness devices to provide a seamless experience for members tracking their fitness activities.

6. Expansion of Service Offerings

Diversifying service offerings to include additional business management tools for wellness centers, personal trainers, and other related industries.

7. Marketing and Lead Generation Tools

Introducing marketing automation and lead generation features to empower businesses in attracting and converting potential members.

8. Specialized Training and Certification Programs

Offering specialized training and certification programs for fitness professionals, creating an additional revenue stream and enhancing industry expertise.

9. Community Building Features

Implementing community building features such as forums, events, and social networking capabilities to foster a sense of belonging among members.

10. Strategic Partnerships

Forming strategic partnerships with fitness equipment manufacturers, nutrition providers, or wellness brands to offer integrated solutions and exclusive benefits for businesses and members.

Optimize your mobile app ARPU using Vendo, where your users can explore fantastic products from homegrown brands. Elevate your affiliate sales commission to 20-30%, tripling the industry standard and offering 3-5 times more than conventional affiliate links.

Suggestions for replicating Zen Planner's success

1. Industry-Specific Business Management

Develop industry-specific business management solutions tailored for niche markets such as yoga studios, martial arts academies, or dance schools.

2. Customizable Member Experience

Offer customizable member portals and mobile apps, allowing businesses to personalize the experience for their clients based on their industry needs.

3. Automated Billing and Payments

Streamline billing processes and automate payment collections for businesses in various service-based industries, reducing administrative workload.

4. Reporting and Analytics Tools

Provide robust reporting and analytics tools tailored to the specific needs of different service-based businesses, enabling them to track performance and key metrics.

5. Staff and Instructor Management

Facilitate efficient staff scheduling, payroll management, and instructor coordination tailored to the unique requirements of different service-based businesses.

6. Member Retention Strategies

Offer features and insights to help businesses in various industries implement effective member retention strategies and enhance customer loyalty.

7. Integration Capabilities

Provide integration with industry-specific tools and platforms, allowing seamless connectivity and data exchange within the respective service-based industries.

8. Customer Support and Training

Deliver comprehensive customer support and training resources tailored to the specific needs and challenges faced by businesses in different service-based sectors.

9. Mobile Accessibility

Ensure mobile accessibility for both business owners and clients within various service-based industries, acknowledging the importance of on-the-go access.

10. Continuous Updates and Innovation

Commit to regular updates and innovative feature enhancements that address the evolving needs and trends within specific service-based sectors, ensuring continued relevance and competitiveness.

Increase your mobile app ARPU with Vendo, allowing your users to shop for amazing products from local brands. Triple your affiliate sales commission to 20-30%, providing 3-5 times more than the average affiliate links.


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set up your demo marketplace and populate it with products
  • Customize your marketplace: We’ll help you craft a marketplace that aligns with your branding guidelines,
  • Onboard Brands: Invite your favorite brands or choose brands from the Vendo brand catalog. We can also start reaching out to brands you’d like to sell on your behalf.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate the process to efficiently manage your catalog and meet customer demand.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content shoppable with products embedded right where your customers expect them to find. Simplify and streamline product discovery.
  • Start Selling Programmatically: Push products through multiple touch points: on your website, share it on social media, and include products in your newsletters. 
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. No need to wait 30-60 days or worry about orders not attributable to your affiliate links.
  • Get Repeat Sales: Since you’re not linking out, your customers will keep coming back. We’ll help them with abandoned cart emails and promotional email blasts. 


Put a shopping cart in your content
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