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Jul 16, 2024

Why Enterprise Projects Need Source-Available and Self-Hosted eCommerce Solutions

Written by
Mike Faber

In the complex world of enterprise IT, the choice of an eCommerce platform is a critical decision that can significantly impact an organization's operational efficiency, security, and compliance. While SaaS solutions like Shopify or BigCommerce offer convenience, they often fall short of meeting the stringent requirements of large enterprises.

Source-available and self-hosted eCommerce solutions provide the level of control, customization, and integration that enterprise projects demand. Let's explore why these solutions are essential for enterprise-level eCommerce implementations.


1. Full Customizability: Beyond SaaS Limitations

Enterprise IT environments require a level of customization that SaaS platforms simply cannot provide. Source-available solutions offer:

  • Source-code access: This allows enterprise IT teams to thoroughly understand the platform's architecture and make necessary modifications to align with their specific needs.
  • Access to upcoming features: Enterprises can preview and implement new functionalities ahead of public releases, maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Ability to modify the source code: This enables tailoring the platform to complex enterprise processes and integrating with proprietary systems.
  • Private innovations: Custom features and improvements remain exclusive to the enterprise, not shared across a common platform.
  • Competitive advantage: The ability to create unique functionalities sets the enterprise apart in the market.

For enterprises, this level of customization ensures that the eCommerce platform can be molded to fit their exact requirements, rather than forcing the business to adapt to the limitations of a pre-built solution.

2. Self-Hosting or Managed Private Cloud: Control, Security, and Compliance

Enterprise IT strategies often revolve around maintaining full control over infrastructure and data. Source-available solutions support this through:

  • Full ownership & control: Enterprises have complete authority over their eCommerce infrastructure, aligning with broader IT governance policies.
  • Enhanced security, performance & scalability: IT teams can implement custom security measures, optimize performance, and scale resources according to enterprise standards.
  • Hosting region of choice: This allows compliance with data localization requirements and optimizes performance for global operations.
  • Privacy compliance: Easier adherence to regulations like CCPA, GDPR, and HIPAA, which is critical for risk-averse enterprise environments.
  • Cost efficiency: While initial setup costs may be higher, long-term expenses can be more predictable and often lower than SaaS solutions, especially at enterprise scale.

The ability to host the solution on the same cloud provider used for other services ensures consistency in the IT ecosystem and simplifies management.

3. Stable Integrations with Existing Systems

Enterprises rely on a complex network of interconnected systems. Source-available solutions offer more control over these critical integrations:

  • Stable connections with WMS, ERP, CRM, accounting, and analytics tools: This ensures seamless data flow across the enterprise ecosystem.
  • No unexpected changes: Unlike SaaS platforms that may update features or APIs without notice, self-hosted solutions allow enterprises to control when and how changes are implemented.

This stability is crucial for maintaining operational continuity and preventing disruptions that could impact the entire organization.

4. Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration

Enterprise IT ecosystems demand seamless user management across multiple systems. Source-available solutions can be customized to fully integrate with existing SSO systems, providing:

  • Unified customer catalog: Consistent user data across all enterprise systems.
  • Elimination of additional passwords: Reduces security risks and simplifies user experience.
  • Seamless access: Users can navigate between eCommerce and other enterprise applications effortlessly.
  • Unified permissions management: Centralized control over access rights across the entire IT ecosystem.
  • Comprehensive audit trail: Essential for security monitoring and compliance requirements.

This level of integration ensures that the eCommerce platform becomes a natural extension of the existing IT infrastructure, rather than a separate silo.

5. Composable Architecture for Enterprise Flexibility

Enterprise IT environments often adopt a composable architecture approach, allowing for greater flexibility and future-proofing. Source-available eCommerce solutions can be designed to fit into this model by:

  • Offering modular components that can be easily integrated or replaced
  • Providing APIs and webhooks for seamless communication with other enterprise systems
  • Supporting microservices architecture for improved scalability and maintainability

This composable nature allows enterprises to adapt their eCommerce capabilities as business needs evolve, without being locked into a monolithic platform.

6. Risk Mitigation and Compliance

Enterprises are inherently risk-averse and must adhere to strict compliance requirements. Source-available and self-hosted solutions help mitigate risks by:

  • Allowing for thorough code audits to ensure security and compliance
  • Enabling customized data handling processes to meet specific regulatory requirements
  • Providing complete control over data storage and processing, crucial for industries with strict data sovereignty laws

This level of control is essential for enterprises operating in regulated industries or handling sensitive data.

Take aways

For enterprise projects, source-available and self-hosted eCommerce solutions offer a level of control, customization, and integration that is essential for meeting complex IT requirements. By providing full customizability, control over hosting and security, stable integrations, seamless SSO capabilities, and the flexibility to fit into composable architectures, these solutions address the technical and legal needs of enterprise environments.

The ability to fully own and control the eCommerce platform aligns with enterprise IT strategies focused on risk mitigation, compliance, and long-term scalability. While the initial implementation may require more resources compared to SaaS solutions, the long-term benefits in terms of flexibility, security, and alignment with enterprise IT ecosystems make source-available and self-hosted eCommerce solutions the ideal choice for large-scale enterprise projects.

In an era where digital commerce is becoming increasingly critical to enterprise operations, having an eCommerce solution that can be fully integrated into the existing IT landscape and customized to meet specific business needs is not just an advantage—it's a necessity for maintaining competitiveness and ensuring long-term success.


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Written by
Mike Faber
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