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Case Study
Jan 26, 2024

Washington Examiner affiliate revenue success tripled

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The Washington Examiner, a distinguished entity in political journalism, stands out for delivering comprehensive coverage and analysis. Capitalizing on its influential standing, The Washington Examiner strategically employs affiliate links to effectively engage its diverse online audience. With Vendo, The Washington Examiner has the potential to significantly elevate its sales commissions—potentially experiencing a 3-5x increase—by seamlessly integrating shoppable products and a user-friendly shopping cart into its content. This presents an innovative pathway for enhanced monetization in the competitive field of media enterprises with a focus on political journalism.


Vendo simplifies your marketplace strategy as the ultimate one-stop-shop. With automation, a curated brand catalog, merchandising tools, and the flexibility to sell through various channels, Vendo provides reliable daily support.

Vendo goes beyond traditional affiliate links by fostering extended visitor engagement, preserving customer data for email list growth, and maximizing upselling opportunities. It's the all-in-one solution for a successful marketplace.

Unlocking Success in Digital Publishing

The Washington Examiner, established in 2005, has emerged as a prominent conservative news and opinion outlet, providing in-depth coverage of politics, policy, and current affairs. Recognized for its commitment to presenting a conservative perspective, the Washington Examiner has successfully navigated the media landscape, building a loyal readership. In this article, we explore the success factors that have propelled the Washington Examiner to prominence, emphasizing its dedication to conservative journalism, audience engagement strategies, and a multifaceted approach to news coverage.

Success Factors of the Washington Examiner

Commitment to Conservative Journalism:

The Washington Examiner's success is deeply rooted in its commitment to conservative journalism. The platform serves as a trusted source for conservative perspectives on political and policy matters, catering to an audience seeking alternative viewpoints in a media landscape often perceived as leaning left.

Opinion and Analysis:

The platform excels in providing opinion and analysis. In addition to news reporting, the Washington Examiner features insightful commentary and analyses from conservative writers and experts, contributing to a deeper understanding of complex political issues.

Political Insight and Insider Perspectives:

The success of the Washington Examiner is accentuated by its focus on political insight and insider perspectives. The platform leverages its network of contributors and reporters to provide readers with behind-the-scenes insights, exclusive interviews, and a nuanced understanding of the political landscape.

Audience Engagement and Feedback Mechanisms:

The platform actively engages its audience through feedback mechanisms. The Washington Examiner encourages reader comments, opinion pieces, and letters to the editor, fostering a sense of community and ensuring that diverse conservative voices have a platform for expression.

Diverse Content Formats:

The Washington Examiner excels in offering diverse content formats. From traditional articles and opinion pieces to multimedia content such as podcasts and video interviews, the platform caters to various audience preferences, enhancing the overall reader experience.

Coverage of Policy and Legislation:

The platform's success is bolstered by its comprehensive coverage of policy and legislation. The Washington Examiner delves into the details of legislative matters, providing its audience with in-depth analyses of policy implications and the potential impact on conservative values.

Balanced Reporting within Conservative Framework:

The Washington Examiner maintains a balance in reporting within a conservative framework. While presenting news from a conservative standpoint, the platform strives for journalistic integrity, providing accurate and fair reporting even when addressing topics that may challenge conservative perspectives.

Digital Adaptability and Online Presence:

The platform's success is reinforced by its digital adaptability and online presence. With a well-designed website, active social media engagement, and digital innovation, the Washington Examiner ensures that its content remains accessible to a wide audience in the digital age.

Community Building through Events:

The Washington Examiner actively engages in community building through events. By organizing and participating in conservative-focused events, conferences, and panel discussions, the platform strengthens its connection with its audience and contributes to the broader conservative discourse.

Opportunities for Emerging Conservative Voices:

The success of the Washington Examiner is enhanced by its openness to emerging conservative voices. The platform provides opportunities for new writers and commentators to contribute, ensuring a dynamic and evolving roster of perspectives within the conservative landscape.

Audience and Value:

Conservative Readers and Activists:

The Washington Examiner caters to conservative readers and activists seeking news and analysis aligned with their political beliefs. The platform's value lies in providing a reliable source for conservative perspectives on political events and policy developments.

Policy Wonks and Political Enthusiasts:

Policy wonks and political enthusiasts find value in the Washington Examiner's in-depth coverage of policy and legislation. The platform serves as a valuable resource for individuals with a keen interest in understanding the intricacies of conservative policy positions and their implications.

Engaged and Participatory Readership:

The Washington Examiner's value extends to its engaged and participatory readership. The platform encourages active involvement through comments, letters, and contributions, fostering a sense of community among conservative readers who seek a platform for their voices.

Suggestions for Businesses to Replicate Success:

Define and Commit to a Clear Perspective:

Businesses should define and commit to a clear perspective within their industry. Whether conservative, liberal, or centrist, a consistent and identifiable viewpoint can attract a specific audience seeking that perspective.

Provide Insightful Opinion and Analysis:

Emphasize providing insightful opinion and analysis. Offering more than just news reporting, businesses can engage their audience by featuring thought-provoking analyses and commentaries that contribute to a deeper understanding of industry-related issues.

Encourage Audience Engagement:

Actively encourage audience engagement. Businesses can create feedback mechanisms, such as comment sections, forums, or reader submissions, to foster a sense of community and allow diverse voices within their chosen perspective to be heard.

Diversify Content Formats:

Diversify content formats to cater to varied preferences. Whether through articles, videos, podcasts, or other multimedia elements, businesses should adapt to different content formats to enhance the overall user experience.

Comprehensive Coverage of Industry Matters:

Ensure comprehensive coverage of industry matters. Businesses can stand out by providing in-depth analyses of policy, legislation, and other industry-related developments, offering their audience a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved.

Maintain Balance in Reporting:

Maintain balance in reporting within the chosen perspective. Even when presenting news from a specific standpoint, businesses should strive for journalistic integrity, providing fair and accurate reporting that respects the intelligence of their audience.

Prioritize Digital Adaptability:

Prioritize digital adaptability and online presence. Businesses should invest in well-designed websites, active social media engagement, and digital innovations to ensure their content remains accessible and relevant in the digital age.

Engage with the Community through Events:

Actively engage with the community through events. Businesses can organize or participate in industry-focused events, conferences, or panel discussions to strengthen connections with their audience and contribute to the broader discourse within their industry.

Openness to Emerging Voices:

Be open to emerging voices within the chosen perspective. Whether through guest contributions, partnerships, or platforms for new voices, businesses can maintain freshness and diversity in their content offerings.

However, exploring another avenue for monetizing your online audience could prove advantageous.

Launching your own multi-brand marketplace on Vendo could potentially triple your affiliate sales commission, achieving an impressive 20-30%.

Not to mention the extended time visitors invest in your pages, the retention of crucial customer data for expanding your email list, and the countless potential upselling opportunities.


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set up your demo marketplace and populate it with products
  • Customize your Storefront: We’ll help you craft a storefront that aligns with your branding guidelines,
  • Onboard Brands: Invite your favorite brands or choose brands from the Vendo brand catalog. We can also start reaching out to brands you’d like to sell on your behalf.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate the process to efficiently manage your catalog and meet customer demand.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content shoppable with products embedded right where your customers expect them to find. Simplify and streamline product discovery.
  • Start Selling Programmatically: Push products through multiple touch points: on your website, share it on social media, and include products in your newsletters. 
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. No need to wait 30-60 days or worry about orders not attributable to your affiliate links.
  • Get Repeat Sales: Since you’re not linking out, your customers will keep coming back. We’ll help them with abandoned cart emails and promotional email blasts. 


Put a shopping cart in your content
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