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Case Study
Sep 10, 2023

Coffee Meets Bagel mobile app case study 

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Coffee Meets Bagel mobile app is a dating platform that focuses on providing curated matches and fostering meaningful connections for users seeking more than just casual dating experiences. Integrate Vendo into your mobile app to make in-app shopping a reality and replicate their success. Introducing Vendo into your mobile app will create an in-app marketplace, allowing users to shop from domestic brands. You can expect to earn 2-3 times higher sales commission on all local brand sales made through your app within your target market, outperforming other affiliates.


Vendo is your comprehensive marketplace partner, automating operations, offering a diverse brand catalog, merchandising and promotional tools, multichannel sales capabilities, and continuous support for growing your business.

Coffee Meets Bagel mobile app success factors

1. Personalized Matchmaking

Offering a personalized and curated approach to matchmaking, providing users with quality matches based on their preferences.

2. Focus on Meaningful Connections

Emphasizing the importance of meaningful connections over casual dating, aligning with the preferences of their target audience.

3. Women-Centric Approach

Prioritizing the safety and comfort of female users through features such as selective matching and enhanced control over interactions.

4. Innovative Features

Introducing innovative features such as icebreaker prompts and video profiles to enhance user engagement and authenticity.

5. Data-Driven Matching

Leveraging data analytics to improve matching algorithms and enhance the overall user experience.

6. Community Building

Fostering a sense of community through events, discussions, and user-generated content, creating a more immersive experience for users.

7. Trust and Safety Measures

Implementing robust safety measures, verification processes, and reporting tools to ensure a secure and trustworthy dating environment.

8. Mobile-Friendly Platform

Providing a seamless and user-friendly mobile app experience, catering to the on-the-go lifestyle of their target demographic.

9. Branding and Marketing

Utilizing targeted branding and marketing strategies to resonate with their desired audience and differentiate from competitors.

10. Continuous Evolution

Continuously evolving the platform based on user feedback, industry trends, and technological advancements to stay relevant and competitive.

Suggestions for Coffee Meets Bagel's growth

1. International Expansion

Expand into new international markets to reach a broader user base and capitalize on global dating trends.

2. Enhanced Premium Features

Introduce premium subscription tiers with exclusive features such as advanced matching filters, offline access to profiles, and personalized coaching.

3. Video Dating Capabilities

Incorporate video chat and virtual dating features to cater to the growing demand for virtual connections and interactions.

4. Offline Events and Meetups

Organize offline events or meetups for users to facilitate real-life connections and strengthen the sense of community.

5. Diversification of Relationship Types

Cater to a wider range of relationship preferences by introducing features for users seeking friendships, professional connections, or platonic relationships.

6. Inclusive Features for LGBTQ+ Community

Enhance inclusivity by introducing specific features and matching options tailored to the LGBTQ+ community, expanding the platform's appeal.

7. Educational Content and Resources

Provide educational resources on healthy relationships, dating tips, and mental wellness to further support users in their dating journey.

8. Strategic Partnerships

Form partnerships with complementary businesses or platforms to offer integrated services such as restaurant reservations, gift delivery, or experiences for matched users.

9. User-Generated Content Campaigns

Launch user-generated content campaigns and challenges to encourage user participation and create a more interactive and engaging community.

10. Social Impact Initiatives

Implement social impact initiatives or charitable partnerships to align the brand with meaningful causes and attract socially conscious users.

Suggestions for replicating Coffee Meets Bagel's success

1. Personalized Service Delivery

Emphasize personalized service delivery and curated experiences tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the target audience.

2. Focus on Safety and Trust

Prioritize safety measures, verification processes, and user trust-building strategies to create a secure and reliable platform for users.

3. Innovative Features and Technology

Introduce innovative features and leverage technology to enhance user engagement, authenticity, and overall experience.

4. Community Engagement

Foster a sense of community through events, discussions, and user-generated content, creating a more immersive experience for users.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making

Utilize data analytics to drive decision-making processes, improve matching algorithms, and enhance the overall user experience.

6. Mobile-Friendly Experience

Prioritize a seamless and user-friendly mobile app experience to cater to the on-the-go lifestyle of the target demographic.

7. Branding and Marketing Strategies

Implement targeted branding and marketing strategies to resonate with the desired audience and differentiate from competitors.

8. Continuous Evolution and Adaptation

Continuously evolve the platform based on user feedback, industry trends, and technological advancements to stay relevant and competitive.

9. Inclusive Approach

Embrace an inclusive approach that caters to diverse relationship preferences, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds.

10. Focus on Meaningful Connections

Emphasize the importance of meaningful connections over casual interactions, aligning with the evolving preferences of modern users.

Amplify your mobile app ARPU through Vendo, enabling your users to discover exceptional products from national brands. Elevate your affiliate sales commission to 20-30%, tripling it compared to typical affiliate links and providing 3-5 times more in earnings.


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set up your demo marketplace and populate it with products
  • Customize your marketplace: We’ll help you craft a marketplace that aligns with your branding guidelines,
  • Onboard Brands: Invite your favorite brands or choose brands from the Vendo brand catalog. We can also start reaching out to brands you’d like to sell on your behalf.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate the process to efficiently manage your catalog and meet customer demand.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content shoppable with products embedded right where your customers expect them to find. Simplify and streamline product discovery.
  • Start Selling Programmatically: Push products through multiple touch points: on your website, share it on social media, and include products in your newsletters. 
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. No need to wait 30-60 days or worry about orders not attributable to your affiliate links.
  • Get Repeat Sales: Since you’re not linking out, your customers will keep coming back. We’ll help them with abandoned cart emails and promotional email blasts. 


Put a shopping cart in your content
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