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Mar 20, 2024

Calm shopping mobile app case study

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Introducing in-app shopping and rewards can transform your app into a shopping destination offering a diverse array of products and services from multiple sellers. The Calm case study demonstrates how a leading meditation and sleep app successfully integrated a multi-vendor marketplace for wellness and relaxation products.

Vendo's robust eCommerce platform empowers you to seamlessly incorporate this multi-vendor marketplace strategy, enabling you to curate a wide selection of relevant products, manage multiple sellers as well as your own products, and create a personalized shopping experience.


Let's explore how Vendo can help you leverage the power of multi-vendor in-app shopping to dramatically enhance your app's value proposition and significantly boost your bottom line, as exemplified by Calm's serene implementation.


Calm was founded in 2012 by Michael Acton Smith and Alex Tew with the mission to make the world happier and healthier through the power of meditation and mindfulness. The app quickly gained popularity for its soothing nature sounds, guided meditations, and sleep stories narrated by celebrities. Calm became known for its user-friendly interface and its ability to help users reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being.

How Calm added a multi-vendor shopping feature

Recognizing the opportunity to enhance the wellness journey for users, Calm subtly incorporated a marketplace for sleep and relaxation products. This feature was carefully designed to complement the app's primary functions of providing guided meditations and sleep content.

While keeping its focus on guided meditations and sleep stories, the app now offers a curated selection of items like weighted blankets, sleep masks, and white noise machines from various vendors. These product suggestions appear after sleep sessions or as part of sleep hygiene tips, enhancing the user's sleep and relaxation experience. The integration is subtle, ensuring that it doesn't distract from the app's main purpose of promoting mindfulness and better sleep.

To maintain the integrity of its wellness focus, Calm partnered with brands that align with its mission of improving mental health and sleep quality. The app's developers created an algorithm that analyzes users' meditation and sleep habits, course preferences, and wellness goals to provide personalized product recommendations, making the shopping experience feel tailored to each user's relaxation needs.

How Calm benefited from introducing shopping

The introduction of the multi-vendor marketplace brought several advantages to Calm:

1. Additional Revenue Stream: Calm now earns commissions on sales made through its platform, creating a new source of income beyond subscriptions.

2. Enhanced User Experience: By offering relevant relaxation and sleep products, the app provides a more comprehensive solution for users seeking to improve their wellness routines.

3. Increased User Engagement: The shopping feature gives users another reason to interact with the app, potentially increasing overall usage and retention rates.

4. Competitive Edge: The combination of guided meditations, sleep content, and curated wellness products sets Calm apart in the mindfulness app market.

5. Expanded Partnerships: Collaborating with wellness brands has opened up new opportunities for co-marketing and shared insights into user preferences and trends in the relaxation space.

Example products sold by Calm

Calm's multi-vendor marketplace offers a wide range of products related to sleep, relaxation, and mindfulness. Some examples include:

1. Weighted Blankets: Designed to reduce anxiety and promote better sleep.

2. Sleep Masks: Light-blocking masks to enhance sleep quality.

3. White Noise Machines: Devices that produce soothing sounds for better sleep and relaxation.

4. Essential Oil Diffusers: To create a calming atmosphere with relaxing scents.

5. Meditation Cushions: Comfortable seating options for extended meditation sessions.

6. Sleep-enhancing Teas: Herbal blends promoting relaxation and better sleep.

7. Calming Lighting: Smart bulbs or lamps that adjust to promote better sleep cycles.

8. Mindfulness Journals: Guided journals to complement meditation practices.

9. Yoga Mats: For users interested in combining yoga with their meditation routine.

10. Sleep-tracking Devices: Wearables that monitor sleep patterns and provide insights.

These product offerings are carefully curated to align with Calm's mission of promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and better sleep, providing relevant tools to support users' wellness journeys.


Introducing in-app shopping was a game-changer for Calm and it could be for your mobile app as well. By offering a curated and multi-vendor shopping experience, implementing a rewarding points system, and providing diverse product offerings, you can create a more engaging, valuable, and profitable app. This strategy not only opens up new revenue streams but also enhances user experience and loyalty, setting your app apart in a crowded marketplace.


The success of Calm's multi-vendor marketplace demonstrates the potential of thoughtfully integrated e-commerce in niche apps. By aligning shopping options with user interests and app functionality, developers can create additional value for users while also generating new revenue. As you consider implementing a similar strategy in your app, remember to focus on relevance, user experience, and seamless integration to maximize the benefits of in-app shopping, while always prioritizing the core functionality that attracted users to your app in the first place.

Start a multi-vendor marketplace
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